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80S WEEK - 13 MARCH 

10 people 

This week I changed the table layout. I think this had a dramatic effect which made the group much more lively and chatty. Instead of it being a circle I positioned the tables in a long strip. This actually made it less awkward as when it was a circle before and you were sat directly opposite someone it could become uncomfortable. However, this layout allowed the whole group to have a discussion and for little conversations to spark off with smaller groups at different points in the table. You would think that this layout would make sitting opposite someone worse but because of the layout everyone pushes their chairs back and leans back to see others so it makes it much more laid back.


The 80s theme worked perfectly. It had a very lovable vibe that made people nostalgic. I was stricter on asking why people chose that music and it resulted in much better discussions. An explanation about 9-5 by Dolly Parton led onto talking about prison & rehabilitation and Harvey Wienstien etc. One of the funniest quotes from this conversation was, “I tell you something very bluntly”.

Another thing I was experimenting with this week was volume. Does keeping it louder make people focus on the music or does it just make talking harder? 

When a song is longer does interest wain? Do I need to fade the song out to keep interest and conversation up? 

Listen to the

playlist here!

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