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9 people 

Turnout and response was much better than I had imagined. The atmosphere was relaxed and authentic as people were happy to talk about the music and muck in even if they didn’t know others that were there. There were occasional moments of awkwardness when music came on that not many people knew. Maybe I could implement a rule where you have to explain why you chose that song, to really stimulate discussion and allow people to see the music from that point of view.


However, the element of having your lunch at the same time is key to the group. It gives everyone a common ground and a distraction to put people at ease. It also helps emphasise the informal nature of the club.

The main suggestion from people who turned up was to have themed weeks to give the music a focus and bring people together more as they know what they’re in for. I think that through familiarity, all of the discussion will become easier and much smoother. 

Throughout the club it was interesting to see how everyone responded to different songs. For example, Disco Inferno came on and slowly in their own way everyone individually started bobbing along, tapping their feet etc.

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